Ulcerative Colitis Treatment

natural treatments for ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative Colitis Treatment

What is ulcerative colitis? It is a type of inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. It is a chronic inflammatory condition of your gastro-intestinal or GI tract. It can cause long-term intestinal inflammation, chronic diarrhea, painful bloating and immune disorders. It has some symptoms related to IBS, or Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome as well. The walls of the intestines or gut become swollen, inflamed, and may even develop painful ulcers, which can cause severe discomfort and serious digestive problems. If you treat the cause of your ulcerative colitis symptoms you can get lasting relief and even reverse it completely using natural Ulcerative Colitis Treatment.

Untreated ulcerative colitis can lead to autoimmune conditions, compromised immune system, kidney stones or gall stones, and poor health due to nutritional deficiency (lack of absorbed nutrients like vitamins and minerals.) If you are proactive and get it healed quickly you can not only feel better now, but avoid a lifetime of chronic illness. Using a natural remedies for ulcerative colitis addresses the cause of your symptoms so you actually get lasting relief, not a pharmaceutical band-aid, with harmful side effects, but removing the cause of ulcerative colitis safely and effectively.

ulcerative colitis vs crohn's

Ulcerative Colitis vs Crohn’s

What is the difference between Ulcerative Colitis vs Crohn's? Ulcerative colitis starts from the lowest part of your bowel or intestines right above your anus. It then progresses or move upward and starts affecting more and more of your colon. UC creates ulcerations and micro-perforations (tiny holes) in your colon that cause pain, inflammation, toxicity and malnutrition. It usually causes colorful and sometimes foul smelling feces and even bloody stool or diarrhea.


Ulcerative colitis can cause severe abdominal cramping and joint pain. You can have unexplained weight loss, fever or even anemia (from blood loss.) These symptoms usually develop slowly over time, rather than suddenly. It is becoming very common along with Crohn's disease. Crohn’s disease can affect you anywhere from your mouth to rectum. It usually begins in your  small intestine (ileum) and then spreads in spotty fashion to other areas. It causes thickened tissue and hardness with fissures or small cracks that cause sharp pain and chronic diarrhea. Make sure to use the natural ulcerative colitis treatment at the bottom of this page to get healing going.


Crohn’s causes bowel constriction that looks like a tube being pinched with cobblestones on the inside due to cracks that are trying to heal with hardened muscle tissue. It can cause bowel constriction or even a blocked colon which is an emergency. It also causes fistulas which cause your bowel to start pushing into other organs causing severe pain and inflammation. It can trigger autoimmune disorders if not treated soon enough.


Arthritis symptoms are common in both types of IBD as there is usually an underlying immune issue or viral infection associated with arthritis. If you have severe joint pain you will want to see how to help it by using a Natural Treatment for Arthritis.

causes of ulcerative colitis

What Causes Ulcerative Colitis

What causes ulcerative colitis? There can be many causes of ulcerative colitis, so see if you are being affected by any of the following causes of UC:

  • Genetics – It may runs in your family genetics
  • GI Tract Infection (Salmonella, H-Pylori, and even Parasites like Tapeworm)
  • Use of Prescription Medications, Particularly Antibiotics
  • Weak or Compromised Immune System (See: how to boost your immune system)
  • Stress (Chronic stress is a root cause of inflammation and many diseases)
  • Hormonal Changes like PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) or Menopause
  • Food Allergies (Dairy and lactose intolerance; Wheat, particularly Gluten Intolerance)
  • Gut Microbiome Imbalance (more harmful bacteria than healthy bacteria)

You can be affected by any of the above causes of ulcerative colitis. You can still heal completely in most cases by avoiding the toxins and allergens and improving your gut microbiome (internal balance between bacteria/yeast and unhealthy bacteria.)

woman with ibd

Signs and Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis

If you have chronic stomach pain or cramping, digestion issues and constipation or diarrhea with IBD. You will notice one or more of the following list of signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis if you are being affected by it:

  • Abdominal pain (cramping pain)
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Rectal Pain or bleeding 
  • Bloating/distension
  • Blood in the stool 
  • Loss of appetite and weight
  • Persistent diarrhea
  • Ulceration in the digestive tract
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Weakened Immunity 

If you have two or more of these symptoms, you may be experiencing UC. Fortunately there is quite a bit you can do naturally to heal from this condition quickly. New research is showing that it is not gluten but glyphosate (Round Up weed killer that is sprayed on wheat primarily but is showing up in all produce now) that is causing or aggravating inflammatory bowel conditions like ulcerative colitis. Use the ulcerative colitis treatment at the bottom of this page to start feeling better right away.


If you want to know for sure if it is glyphosate and not gluten (test to see if you're really glucose intolerant) there is a home test kit you can get to be sure. It shows if you gluten intolerant or have signs of Celiac disease. See the MyLab Gluten Sensitivity Test .


The way to treat ulcerative colitis naturally is a 3 step process. First you want to Detox Glyphosates out of your body. Secondly you want to do a complete colon cleanse and detox. And third, you want to heal damaged gastro intestinal tissues, colon tissues and rebuild a healthy gut flora and microbiome (healthy internal environment.) These are all shown below in order. They can all be done independently or in any order, although the ulcerative colitis treatment recommends that it be done with the cleanses first followed by the rebuilding of your healthy gut.

glyphosate in food

What is Glyphosate Herbicide

What is glyphosate herbicide? Glyphosate toxicity is causing a lot of intestinal problems in everyone that eats wheat products. Although in fact it is not the wheat that is causing your problems it is the glyphosate! (gluten intolerance diagnosis) but what is done to your wheat before it reaches your table that is causing the supposed gluten intolerance. Here is an interesting observation from Andrea Bartels, a holistic nutritionist from Canada on this issue:

Several of my non-Celiac nutrition clients who say they are gluten-intolerant have told me that somehow, they were able to eat glutenous pasta and breads while overseas with no ill effects.  For a while, I attributed this to the fact they were on vacation, and therefore were experiencing a lot less stress in their lives (rest increases tolerance for dietary stressors.)  However, a couple of them were actually on business trips to Europe, where the wheat (if not imported from Canada or the U.S.) is NOT treated with benzoyl peroxide nor glyphosate.  How interesting!

You most likely don't have gluten intolerance you have glyphosate intolerance (from wheat being sprayed, actually drenched in glyphosate before, during and especially after it is harvested). The extensive usage of this pesticide is creating glyphosate toxicity at an alarming rise in people of all ages being diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and Celiac's Disease. Using the holistic ulcerative colitis treatment made all the difference.

how to reverse the effects of roundup

Detox from Glyphosate

Glyphosate is a very nasty pesticide. It is the main cause of chronic diarrhea, IBS, IBD, Celiac, Crohns and Ulcerative Colitis. If you have eaten non-organic wheat, or eaten non-organic produce (it's even in California organic red wines) you need to know how to Detox from Glyphosate. Here's how to do it:

  • Liver Support Plus (Powerful Herbal Liver Cleanse that gets the pesticides and chemicals out of your liver)
  • Zeolite Pure – Advanced Zeolite Detox that stops pathogens, removes toxins and petrochemicals, radiation particles, heavy metals. Also anti-pathogenic and anti-cancer.

Once you get the glyphosate (Round Up) poisons out of your gastrointestinal tract, you can rebuild your gut (microbiome) using the natural ulcerative colitis treatment below. You can reverse your Celiac disease symptoms and feel a whole lot better.

best diet for ulcerative colitis

Diet for Ulcerative Colitis

The best diet for ulcerative colitis is one that doesn't cause ulcerative colitis flare ups. You can use a Keto Diet because it limits grains and dairy in most cases and adds more eating options that make it easier to absorb and not go right though you due to stomach upset and bowel incontinence. Here are foods you should avoid until it is fully healed:

  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Tomato
  • Citrus
  • Dairy
  • White Grain (bread  & pasta)
  • Coffee & Tea
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Corn & Pop Corn
  • Chick Peas
  • Beans

Here are the best things to eat as a natural diet for ulcerative colitis:

  • Avocado
  • Bananas
  • Pomegranate (high in ellagic acid)
  • Applesauce (organic highly recommended)
  • Pumpkin
  • Bitter Gourd
  • Coconut Water
  • Dairy Free Kefir or Yogurt (probiotics)

Eat any of the above foods and it will help you absorb some of the nutrition in your foods instead of going right through you. You also need to cleanse and rebuild your gastrointestinal tract so it works they way it should. The natural remedies for colitis and treatments below not only help with the autoimmune condition but also help strengthen and balance your colon so it will be more resistant to negative IBD symptoms. 

Colon cleansing

How to Keep Your Colon Clean

Learn how to keep your colon clean and you will make yourself much more resistant to having ulcerative colitis flare ups. It will also make your treatments work much better as it won't have to try and heal a dirty, impacted or bleeding colon. If you do a skin healing colon cleanse first, your results will be faster and better, now and for the long term. Here are the best supplements for colon cleanse, if you have constipation use the consti-cleanse, if not then use the oxy powder:

  • Consti-Cleanse is a fast acting constipation relief formula that gives you quick and permanent relief of constipation naturally. It clears excess waste matter (impacted fecal matter) that gets stuck in your colon (causing constipation), it improves your digestion and encourages healthy and regular bowel movements, so you feel great (just say ah….)
  • Best Type of Magnesium is the full spectrum natural magnesium mineral complex that soothes and relaxes smooth muscle tissue (prevents and relieves cramping) like your intestinal walls and colon so you have regular eliminations. 

Cleansing your colon in preparation for the healing process can expedite your healing and allow it to work much faster than doing it on the fly. I highly recommend it because it flat out works, like nothing else you've ever tried. I did the ulcerative colitis treatment myself and it worked much better (healed me completely) where pharmaceuticals did not, without the harmful side effects too!

ulcerative colitis treatment

Natural Ulcerative Colitis Treatment

Choosing a Natural ulcerative colitis treatment not only relieve your symptoms but address the cause or reason why you have it to begin with. These natural treatments for inflammatory bowel disease help stop the immune issues which can be a cause of both Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

  • Peak BioBoost is a microbiome balancer, it restores optimum intestinal balance so you have normal digestion and elimination. It is a doctor formulated, science-backed prebiotic fiber blend to help you enjoy “perfect poops” on a daily basis and is a natural ulcerative colitis treatment as well. 
  • Esdifan (zeolite) is a proven way to help detox your colon so it can actually begin to normalize and is a great natural ulcerative colitis treatment. Also helps with Crohn's disease and IBD. They also help restore proper bowel function and regenerate damaged tissues. Here are the best natural ulcerative colitis treatment that address the cause of your inflammatory bowel disease and give you lasting relief.
  • Paraclenz is a natural parasite remover which is a cause of a lot of intestinal disorders like IBS, IBD, Colitis and Crohn's.
  • P3-OM (Advanced proteolytic probiotics that eliminates harmful bacteria fast, eats up excess sugars and protects your gut from viruses and chronic inflammation)
  • Full Spectrum Enzymes (Full Spectrum Digestive Enzymes that stop indigestion, bloating and gas. Breaks down protein, carbohydrates and fats so your body actually absorbs the nutrients it needs to heal itself)
  • Aloe Vera Extract (Aloe Vera is very healing to all skin tissues, particularly your gastro-intestinal tract. It is commonly used to heal ulcers, relieve nausea, soothe a burning esophagus, and for skin burns)
  • Turmeric Curcumin (Turmeric or Curcumin extract is one the most powerful natural anti-inflammatories. It can soothe your digestive tract and help lesions and ulcers heal.)

You can relieve your symptoms by using this natural ulcerative colitis treatment. Using the natural ulcerative colitis treatment will improve your natural immunity, improve every organ in your body, and even allow you to lose weight from unhealthy gut plaque. You can look and feel better than you have in a long time!

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